Lone has helped me tremendously. I have seen homeopaths before but our sessions, and their outcomes, were different - even if they were online. During our first consult and afterwords when she prescribed my constitutional remedy I felt really seen, she got in just below two hours some essential traits of my personality. I felt truly heard. I reached out to her about my PPD. She has helped me so much with that and above all she has helped me with what was underneath it, unprocessed grief. Lone embodies everything that a practitioner should be: she is compassionate, she is intuitive, she is perceptive and profoundly knowledgeable of homeopathy. I trust her. My experience with her was amazing and I have recently decided to contact her for something that my daughter is going through. She is as skilled with children during a consult as she is with adults. Lone is truly a gem.
A.B, Fl. USA
Lone has been treating my three children for about a month now and we have seen positive changes in all of them. The changes in my 4 year old son though are nothing short of miraculous!! My son was born with a rare genetic anomaly and his future according the the genetic specialists seem bleak to say the least. I spent the first 6 months of his life so scared for him. I went to work researching natural ways to help support his body and many had positive outcomes but nothing has worked as fast or provided us with such amazing changes as homeopathy!! It has been only 23 days and my son is talking with us just like his older siblings! It’s like he has developed a whole 2 years of milestones in 23 days!! He is chiming in on my husband and I’s conversations, singing songs, and giving us yes answers instead of no to everything. There is just too much to truly even mention. I am forever grateful for finding Lone and I am so thrilled to see what the future holds!!
Lone's treatment for our son calmed his angry and aggressive behavior significantly in a matter of days. At 14, his behavior and inability to focus well, was not only a strain on family life at home, but affected his school work and ability to make friends. After 8 months of treatment and 4 doses of the remedy, he is doing much better in school, has made new friends, and we can enjoy each others company at home now. Homeopathy has made such a huge difference for our family! Still a ways to go, but 80% improvement overall so far.
Lone is like no one out there. Her 360degree approach paired with her outstanding ability to listen deeply and empathize makes her an outstanding professional. She has been helping me with postpartum depression and I can only thank her for her commitment to make me feel better. Thank you Lone! ******
I can't believe the changes in how I feel. I now have the energy to take care of my daughter, to play with her...I have started going out more without feeling so scared. I have not had any more panic attacks...they used to be so bad and I never knew when they would come. Not feeling wiped out all the time is so incredible.
Hi Lone. My son has been a new person since you helped him with his OCD and chronic migraines. It's been more than a year now, and his obsessive compulsive behaviors are gone, and he hasn't had a migraine since you treated him! It's amazing!
...Lone embodies everything that a practitioner should be: she is compassionate, she is intuitive, she is perceptive and profoundly knowledgeable of homeopathy. I trust her. My experience with her was amazing and I have recently decided to contact her for something that my daughter is going through. She is as skilled with children during a consult as she is with adults. Lone is truly a gem.
A.B, Fl, USA
Thank you for helping our son recover from his depression and cystic acne. He had been isolating himself from his friends for much of his first two years of high school, and we as his parents have been so deeply worried and feeling helpless in what to do about a bad situation. After homeopathic treatment his self-esteem has improved so much, along with his acne. He is a different kid now, with a 'normal' and busy social life. The dark and negative outlook and isolation has completely gone.
Our daughter finally feels confident about leaving for college in the fall thanks to your help. The anxiety that she has been dealing with since early childhood has totally vanished since her few months of treatment. It's really remarkable the difference in her. We are so grateful to you, and happy for her, that she can now pursue her dream without her daily struggle with severe anxiety and repeated nightmares.
I enjoyed our consultation. Lone was very thorough & gentle with my fragile emotions. My remedies should arrive today or tomorrow. I am so excited to start my journey back to mental well being. xoxo
Lone has been helping me heal from bad depression and anxiety left over from when I had my son. I have never tried homeopathic remedies before. She is so thorough and caring. She is dedicated to getting the correct remedy to make sure I am able to continue healing. I am getting better and better and am SO grateful to be working with Lone. I highly recommend!!
Lone, you have been an amazing help (that is an understatement) for the past year. ...has been a huge milestone for me and it only became possible through your priceless effort to help me. The way you have engaged with my emotions and feelings while guiding me to reconnect with myself has been a one of kind experience. You are incredibly good at your work!
"My son has suffered with OCD and tics for many years, and this past year it became very severe such that he said he "hated his life." This was devastating for me to hear as his mom. I felt that I was going to be forced into putting him on prescription medication, as it was disrupting his social life and his ability to perform at school. I began working with Lone in June of 2019, and I have been so happy with the results. Since this time, my son has transformed into a happy child who is now managing his symptoms. His tics and obsessive thoughts are not controlling him at school. He has some work still to do, but he is on the right path. I'm so relieved, as prescription medications have so many side effects. I worried about having my 8yo child, whose brain is still developing, reliant upon toxic chemicals to function. Lone has been a literal life saver, and I recommend her to anyone who has a child who struggles with anxiety and/or OCD. I will add that Lone makes herself available any time you struggle and makes appointments easy! She also spends a lot of time getting to know your child in effort to find the root cause of the problem."
"Since starting your recommended remedies, KC has been calmer, happier, grounded, more cooperative and better able to handle his emotions. I am so thankful that we found you and how much you care for the people you treat. His OCD is much more manageable and no longer controlling him like it used to and he is so proud of himself. He was feeling bad before because he was struggling so much but you have helped bring light and joy back to not only my son but our whole family. He is also more loving to his whole family, including pets. I even noticed that he is eating better and he has been doing more things that he enjoys versus just wanting screens. I can tell that he is healing. Thank you so much!"