Homeopathy – One of a kind medicine for the one of a kind person.

Homeopathy - Individualized medicine for the one of a kind person. I am often asked what homeopathic remedies I would recommend for specific health issues. Completely understandable, as we're used...

Stuck in the debilitating loop of OCD? Homeopathy can help!

Out of the loop with homeopathy I started seeing Carol a little over a year ago for OCD, anxiety and depression. She had found herself in the debilitating loop of...

Postpartum Depression – Natural Recovery with Homeopathy

Karen I have been treating Karen for postpartum depression and anxiety for the past 4 months, 5 appointments in total. During todays follow-up appointment Karen reported that she felt completely...

What Everybody Ought to Know About Treating PTSD Naturally

Best treatment for PTSD - Homeopathy and healing trauma Homeopathy is a natural and safe method of treatment Using homeopathic remedies to treat the symptoms associated with PTSD, depression and...

Homeopathy helps 4 year old with debilitating anxiety

A nervous and scared little boy Peter was only 4 when mom contacted me for his extreme anxiety. The anxiety worsened every time they left the house. Peter was fine...

Homeopathic remedies for baby colic

HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES FOR COLICKY BABIES Homeopathic remedies will provides fast relief for your little one. Priceless for exhausted parents! The homeopathic remedies listed in the chart below are available at...

Natural and drug free for the baby blues

Natural and drug free with homeopathy    Most women experience mood changes following the birth of their baby. As many as 80% of all women giving birth develop symptoms commonly...

Anxiety and rage in 7 year old girl, resolved with homeopathy

It is possible for your child to be free of anxiety and panic attacks. Give homeopathy a try! It's amazing to see how quickly children suffering with anxiety and panic...

A Case of Postpartum Depression Relieved with Homeopathy – Cyclamen

"I feel paralyzed and confined after the birth of my baby"                   A case of postpartum depression. Jenny (name has been altered)...

A Case of Anxiety in Teen Resolved with Homeopathy

"My anxiety is preventing me from moving away for college!" Sophie was 18 when she first came to see me for help with her anxiety. Sophie was a well adjusted...

Natural and safe treatment for depression during pregnancy.

Depression Free During Pregnancy!                                Homeopathy is a safe, gentle and toxic free choice for moms...

5 reasons to treat postpartum depression naturally with homeopathy

Why homeopathy is a healthy, environmentally friendly, natural and cost-effective way of treating postpartum depression?         No side-effects: With homeopathic medicine you never have to weigh the...