I am passionate about helping children heal from ADHD, OCD and anxiety, using natural and safe homeopathic remedies
Homeopathy is a highly effective, safe, and painless treatment for ADHD, OCD and anxiety.
Homeopathy is natural, gentle, non-toxic and non-habit forming...no yuckiness!
What can I help your child with?
Anxiety and Depression
Sleep Problems, Night-Terrors
Learning and Behavioral Problems
I offer a gentle, natural, and safe alternative to the treatment of ADHD, OCD, anxiety and associated conditions (depression, ODD, sleep issues, bedwetting, night terrors, motor and vocal tics, learning and behavioral issues) in children. Your child can heal with homeopathy!
ADHD and OCD does NOT have to be something you have to struggle with for life. Homeopathy can help at any time in a persons life, however, if homeopathic treatment is started early on, the faster the symptoms tend to resolve.
With early intervention the faster your child is able to improve and heal. Typically, I expect to see marked improvement within 2-3 sessions, sometimes sooner. Please note that it is important with regular follow up appointments over a few months (sometimes longer)for best and lasting results. No formal diagnosis is needed to benefit from homeopathic treatment. Rather than a diagnostic label, homeopathy relies on your individual and characteristic symptoms and general health history to determine the appropriate homeopathic remedy in each individual case.
"Lone has been treating my three children for about a month now and we have seen positive changes in all of them. The changes in my 4 year old son though are nothing short of miraculous!! My son was born with a rare genetic anomaly and his future according the the genetic specialists seem bleak to say the least. I spent the first 6 months of his life so scared for him. I went to work researching natural ways to help support his body and many had positive outcomes but nothing has worked as fast or provided us with such amazing changes as homeopathy!! It has been only 23 days and my son is talking with us just like his older siblings! It’s like he has developed a whole 2 years of milestones in 23 days!! He is chiming in on my husband and I’s conversations, singing songs, and giving us yes answers instead of no to everything. There is just too much to truly even mention. I am forever grateful for finding Lone and I am so thrilled to see what the future holds!!" N.Tucker, PA, USA
"...Lone embodies everything that a practitioner should be: she is compassionate, she is intuitive, she is perceptive and profoundly knowledgeable of homeopathy. I trust her. My experience with her was amazing and I have recently decided to contact her for something that my daughter is going through. She is as skilled with children during a consult as she is with adults. Lone is truly a gem." A.B, Fl, USA
OCD frequently rears it´s ugly head in early childhood, and is seen more often in boys than in girls. Less than 10% of those suffering with OCD seek treatment and continue to struggle with the debilitating symptoms into adolescence and adulthood. Starting homeopathic treatment as early as possible can make all the difference in a persons overall quality of life and ability to function in all aspects of every day life.
Conventional treatment options are quite limited for those who suffer with OCD. Conventional treatment options include prescription medications that can bring on bothersome and potentially serious side effects. Why not try homeopathy first? A natural, gentle, safe and toxic-free alternative that can reduce or remove symptoms completely and permanently.
We were at our wits end with how to deal with our 7 year old sons night terrors. He was also struggling with severe separation anxiety, and was having a difficult time socializing and making friends at school. He had been complaining about tummy and headaches several times a week ever since starting school. After seeing Lone for just three appointments, and four doses of the remedy, our son is doing great. The night terrors stopped just two weeks after the first dose of the remedy and anxiety is at least 70% improved. He rarely complains about tummy and headaches, and has made several new friends in school since we started treatment. We're extremely happy about the results from homeopathy and would warmly recommend Lone to other parents!
Angry outburst and meltdowns were such a huge part of our daily lives with our 9 year old daughter. After her two younger siblings were born the behavior escalated. E. had a tremendous need for attention that it was difficult for us to engage with the younger two without E. screaming, yelling, throwing things, hitting or pushing her siblings. It was exhausting for the whole household, but most of all for E. herself. The changes in E. since the first dose of the homeopathic remedy was hard to believe for someone new to homeopathy like ourselves. Our daughter is now a calm and happy child who no longer has the strong need to compete for attention. Not only has her behavior calmed, her sleep and appetite has improved as well. Thank you from a happy mommy!
What is the consultation like and what happens after?
- After you have scheduled your online (Skype or Zoom) appointment with me, I will e-mail you a brief intake form to fill out and return to me prior to the consultation.
- The first consultation is between 1,5 - 2 hours long. I spend the majority of the time talking with the parent/care-taker, but also like, when possible, to spend some one on one time one with your child. If your child feels too shy or for any reason, uncomfortable, meeting with me, I spend the full consultation getting the information I need from the parent/care-taker.
- The homeopathic consultation leaves plenty of space for you to talk freely about your concerns. My job is to listen intently to what you are sharing with me, and ask questions when needed, to arrive at the homeopathic remedy that will help your child feel more balanced in mind and body.
- Homeopathy treats the individual with the symptoms, rather than the other way around. I am interested in who the person I am seeing is beyond a diagnostic label. This is personalized medicine. ADHD, OCD, anxiety, depression, learning and behavioral problem, or whatever the reason for seeking help is, expresses different from person to person. Your anxiety may be about something completely different than the next person...and the next. The same is the case with ADHD, OCD and all other health issues. A homeopath is like a detective looking for clues to solve your particular case and find the appropriate remedy to match your unique overall symptom picture, rather than prescribe on a one dimensional diagnosis.
- After we conclude the consultation, I generally need to spend some time reviewing the case before deciding on the appropriate remedy for your child. It may take up to 48 hours to work out the case and remedy.
- Once the remedy is established, I will e-mail you the prescription, information on where to purchase the remedies in your area (country), how to, and how often to take the remedy, as well as a suggested time for the follow-up appointment. How soon the follow-up appointment needs to be scheduled depends on the individual case. In most cases follow-up appointments are generally scheduled 4-6 weeks apart for the first few appointments. When your child's health has stabilized, I generally recommend checking in with me every 4-6 months or so, until no further treatment is needed.
- The homeopathic remedies are pretty much tasteless and easy to take for children of any age. The remedies are given in either liquid form, or as tiny pellets or granules that melts in the mouth.
When working with you and your child, I am always fully committed to be a continuous support throughout the healing process. With commitment to work together as a team, with consistency in follow-up appointments and adjusting the treatment plan when needed, wonderful results happen.
As a mom of three grown children, I have been through all the joys and challenges that comes with being a parent. When you and your child meet with me, know that you are going to be in a safe and judgement free place. I will always meet you and your child with compassion and care.